How do I start writing my life story/book?

GabriellePelicci PhD
2 min readMay 1, 2024

Day 1 of 30 Bestselling Book Tips for Writing Your Life Story

The first draft of your life story or book is like clearing out a cluttered attic. You need to dump everything onto the page before you can begin to sort through the treasures and decide what to keep. Just like a cluttered attic, our minds can be filled with a jumble of memories, thoughts, and emotions. Writing freely allows you to unload everything onto the page without worrying about organization or structure. It’s a way to declutter your mind and create space for clarity and creativity.

Most of my clients need 2–3 months to write the first draft when they have a consistent daily writing practice. I often hear worries and concerns during this time that it doesn’t make any sense or the feelings are overwhelming. This is a normal part of the process. Writing the first draft is like exploring a maze; you’re not sure where you’re going, but you need to take the journey to find your way out. By dumping everything onto the page, you give yourself raw material to work with.

Writing freely in the first draft is like stretching before a workout. It’s an exercise for your creative muscles, allowing you to loosen up and explore different ideas without inhibition. The more you write, the more you strengthen your ability to express yourself and tell your story in a compelling way. As you review your first draft, you’ll start to identify recurring themes, pivotal moments, and potential story arcs. This exploration helps you uncover the underlying structure of your story.

Sometimes, we don’t fully understand our own story until we see it laid out on the page. I didn’t really understand my personal history or the patterns of my life choices until I wrote it all down and worked with a writing coach to find the nuggets of wisdom and insight. Writing is a journey of self-discovery, allowing you to reflect on your experiences, make sense of your choices, and gain new awareness about who you are.

So, don’t worry about perfection when you begin — just let your thoughts flow onto the page and trust that the process of writing will lead you where you need to go.

You can download my book here.

Learn more about writing coaching & writing retreats here.



GabriellePelicci PhD

Dr. Gabby is a professor and coach, guiding individuals and groups towards wholeness.